Friday 6 February 2009

Alex’s Birthday and Presents!

After opening presents and cards and contemplating being 8, we had to move the boat from one part of the marina to another which involved a quick trip out of the harbour and into the swell of the Atlantic. One of the highlights was electronic birthday cards sent by Grandma and aunties which were very funny and silly -- perfect!

A birthday lunch with a fantastic birthday cake and ice cream was followed by a trip up to Shirley Heights. From Shirley Heights you can see English Harbour, Nelson’s Dockyard and Falmouth Harbour. We spent a pleasant afternoon talking to cruise ship passengers and tourists, exploring one of the trails, looking at the fauna and flora and some gun emplacements.

1 comment:

Kirstie said...

Happy belated birthday to Alex from Auntie Kirstie, Dave and Tiegan - I've just found out how to comment on your blog - and look forward to hearing more about your adventures!