Saturday, 21 February 2009

Cane Bay, St Croix

When Jamie said, as we sat in the saloon early on Saturday morning, “Is that a cow?” I thought she’d lost it entirely. But there it was, a snort very like the cows’ we’re used to on the Common, just outside the window – that is, in the sea. I went to investigate, eagerly anticipating a great discovery of a new species of sea mammal, to see a horse swimming across the bay – accompanied by a human. It seemed they were having an early morning swim...

St Crucans have a neat concept called Mardi Croix based on the New Orleans counterpart with floats and partying. We heard about the event quite late in the day but went anyway because Cane Bay, where it was held was supposed to be a good snorkelling spot. So in typical fashion, we missed the floats and the weather was too rough for good snorkelling...

However, Chris had some interesting Gumbo which didn’t give him food poisoning, we had a good time listening to a rock/country band, shared a taxi home with some interesting people and managed to find a great supermarket.

Top and middle pic: the boyz are back in town

Bottom pic: who knows what’s back in town!

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